M ost people work hard to retire with a comfortable lifestyle and leave a legacy to their children. However, the high and rising cost of nursing home care can consume much of the average retiree’s life savings in a matter of months. Our firm assists clients by advising them on appropriate strategies to implement and critical mistakes to avoid when it comes to long-term care. We tailor solutions to your unique situation while maximizing all available resources to pay for long-term care, including Medicaid, private payment, insurance and any other options that may be available to fund nursing home care.
Whether you are in a financial crisis due to an unexpected transition or whether you are planning ahead to avoid financial disaster, we can create a tailored solution to ensure that the majority of the assets can be protected from long-term care costs and left to your loved ones.
Virginia Medicaid laws are complex and constantly changing. We stay abreast of these changes and help our clients avoid pitfalls and costly mistakes. When Medicaid is necessary, we work with our clients and the Virginia Department of Social Services to streamline the process and save clients the hassle of endless hours at the Department of Social Services to obtain Medicaid eligibility.
Our paralegal Lauren Patel works closely with Timothy Palmer and our clients to implement comprehensive asset protection strategies for a variety of long-term care planning situations.